To publish a print book, follow these steps:
- Traditional publishing is the more formal approach to getting an author’s work out to the masses, but it is also a more time-consuming process. Most traditional publishing houses do not accept manuscripts from authors directly and only work with literary agents.
Regardless of whether you decide to solicit an agent or the publishing company directly, you will need to send a query letter submitting your manuscript—and it needs to stand out to capture their attention.
If you can make it through that, it will still take more time to do a final edit, strategize how to properly market and sell your novel, and get it to shelves—a process that can sometimes take years.
- Self-publishing is when an author decides to print and distribute their own work themselves—usually through a self-publishing platform—bypassing traditional publishing companies. Self-publishing provides you with the ultimate freedom and control over your own creative work.
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